Tag Archives: dance

Richmade -- My ZUmba + Dance Birthday Party

My Zumba + Dance Birthday Party

For my Birthday this year, I really wanted a Zumba-themed party. I have been enjoying my Zumba classes SO much that I thought it would be nice to share my love for Zumba + dance with my friends.

I am not a great planner so organizing it stressed me out a little bit. Some stuff that caused me a bit of anxiety… Will my friends come to a Zumba party? Is everybody going to enjoy Zumba? Which instructors will be available? Should I request my favorite songs? Can I find a space? What time should I plan it? etc. etc.

After finding a studio to rent and deciding to hire my two favorite instructors (Kim and Miss Debi), the party was on! We had so much fun! My friends who have never taken a Zumba class participated and did awesome!

The party was broken down into two parts. The first hour was all Zumba taught by Kim — songs I remember dancing to were: Boom Shaka Laka, Crank Dat Soulja BoyEl MerengazoIn the Summertime, La AguafiestaMetela SacalaSalsa Bali, Talk DirtyVivir Mi Vida (I special requested this Salsa) and No Wiri Wiri (which might be my newest fave)! Kim had all of us in a good sweat!

Richmade -- My ZUmba + Dance Birthday Party

After our cool down, we transitioned into some sexy Burlesque style dancing — and that is what the heels were for!

Richmade -- My ZUmba + Dance Birthday Party

Below is a group photo with Miss Debi + me + Zumba Bunnies (what we call ourselves because we hop around to several Zumba classes in different locations — and I don’t want to be a Zumba rat)!

Richmade -- My ZUmba + Dance Birthday Party

Miss Debi made us bring our *SEXY* (sexual confidence) out that night.

Richmade -- My ZUmba + Dance Birthday Party

Too much fun!

Throwback Thursday: Nike Rockstar Workout Dancehall

One of my favorite Nike commercials ever! This even features Ashlee (from So You Think You Can Dance Season 2) and choreography from Jamie King!! I remember somehow downloading the instructional videos and watching them over and over to learn the moves. 🙂

Wednesday Night Workout: Zumba!

I look forward to the middle of the week because I have awesome Zumba classes on Wednesday and Thursday — I always sweat my booty off! And isn’t it fun to workout when you’re actually having a fun party!?

I’m pretty shy in class, but I stayed after a little while to give thanks for an incredible workout and to request a new song/routine for one of my fave Zumba songs — El Teke Teke by Crazy Design!

This song is fast and I know the routine my instructor comes up with is going to be killer!

Can’t wait until she begins to incorporate it into her class! 😀

Booty picture — grow booty grow… Sometimes, it’s hard to see the progress. In the image below, I can’t even tell anything has changed about my glutes…


My post workout meal — this is starting to become my fave time of the day — teriyaki style chicken and veggies with rice. Richef is talented at making delicious meals. How healthy teriyaki sauce is, I dunno… But I LOVE home cooked meals made from the heart. 🙂
